Anchorage of second crude sunflower oil vessel at Amirabad port

Anchorage of second crude sunflower oil vessel at Amirabad port Anchorage of second crude sunflower oil vessel at Amirabad port

For the second time the cargo of crude sunflower oil in bulk , harbored at Northern ports of Amirabad by Kalagostare Hekmat.

For the second time the cargo of crude sunflower oil in bulk , harbored at Northern ports of Amirabad by Kalagostare Hekmat. On the October 16TH  a commercial vessel called Chingiz mustafayev with capacity of 5000 MT , carrying crude sunflower oil , after departure of Astrakhan port harbored at Amirabad port. It is for the second time that KGH imports crude sun flower oil in bulk from northern ports of Iran. Series of commercial activities done by KGH has justified investment in infrastructures development  of transportation in ports of Amirabad.

According to the plans of KGH and negotiations between our board of directors with our commercial partners in CIS countries ,we hope oil business expansion in the future.

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